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Neem Pesticide

Neem Pesticide

Neem Pesticide is an ideal natural pesticide and fungicide that every gardener should have in their toolkit.

It’s a natural solution that can be used on indoor and outdoor plants to get rid of a variety of garden pests. However, there are certain things to keep in mind when applying it to your plants.
20000 Sh

Neem action on plant pest and diseases

Neem extracts are used in agriculture for pests and disease management and to supply nutrients to plants. In addition, neem is safe for farmers can be used during the entire crop cycle, is environmentally safe, and is compatible with the different IPM strategies. 

Neem  compounds act as systemic and contact poisons for pests:

  • Antifeedant/repellent
  • Sterilant
  • Disturb eggs laying
  • Disturb insects effects
  • Toxic effect
  • Inhibit roots invasion by nematodes
  • Inhibit bacteria and fungi growth


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Level 2, Room 152, Equatorial Mall, Bombo Road

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(+256) 702 152 152
(+256) 779 519 652

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