Call Us: +256 702 152 152, +256 779 519 652. Level 2, RM 152, Equatorial Mall, Bombo Road.
Vitamin E oil is naturally derived from vitamin E sources. It is easily found in green leafy vegetables, nuts, and seeds. Vitamin E oil has both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which are best for skin health.
Vitamin E oil moisturizes and nourishes your skin. It is extremely versatile as it is excellent for skin health, helps to neutralize free radicals which damage cells, prevents cardiovascular disease, cancer, and other ailments.
In its purest form, vitamin E is potent and acts amazingly on the skin. Here are some excellent benefits of vitamin E oil as follows –
Nourishes the Skin
Vitamin E oil is very effective that making your nerves stronger and helping to nourish your skin. This oil also increases the blood supply to the skin which ultimately raises the nourishment of the skin.
Moisturize the Skin
Vitamin E oil is a fat-soluble vitamin hence it is heavier than water-soluble products. It restores moisture and prevents dryness of the scalp. You can add a few drops of this oil to your daily moisturizer and apply it to your skin at night.
Prevent Acne & Scars
Vitamin E oil has an anti-inflammatory property that prevents acne formation. It also removes the clogged dirt which can be a cause of acne. Vitamin E oil nourishes your skin and makes it healthy. It is also an excellent remedy for acne scarring. It lights up the scars found on the face.
Reduces Darkness of the Skin
The darkness of the skin can be the reason for increased skin pigment known as melanin. These conditions are very well treated by combining vitamin E with vitamin C. Vitamin E oil reduces the dryness and irritation of the skin.
Treats Stretch Marks
Stretch marks are the scariest portion of the post-pregnancy period. It won’t hurt but looks ugly where many gels and ointments have failed to reduce it. However, the topical application of vitamin E oil on stretch marks works miraculously to reduce the appearance of stretch marks.
Improve Dry Skin Conditions
Vitamin E oil is full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that relieve various dry skin conditions like psoriasis, eczema, and dermatitis.
Vitamin E oil provides essential nourishment to the skin and makes it soft and smooth. It moisturizes the skin to prevent dryness of the skin.
Controls Fine Lines & Wrinkles
Vitamin E oil has antioxidants that help to increase the blood supply to the skin which slows down the aging process. It works great on wrinkles around the eyes. Apply vitamin E oil thrice a week for the best results. The amount of vitamin E you require each day is determined by your age. According to the National Institutes of Health Trusted Source, teens, adults, and pregnant women should ingest roughly 15 milligrams (mg) each day. Breastfeeding mothers require around 19 milligrams. Vitamin E is required in smaller amounts in the diets of infants, newborns, and children.
Get Rid of Dark Circles
Although few studies demonstrate that applying vitamin E oil to your under-eye area will help prevent or treat dark circles, it can’t hurt, especially since vitamin E has antioxidant and moisturizing characteristics. Dark circles are difficult to treat but vitamin E oil works beautifully to reduce them. It provides extra nourishment and moisture to the affected area. Apply it with your regular cream and massage gently.
Helps in Wound Healing
The study suggests that vitamin E oil may promote a fast wound-healing process. It also acts as an anti-inflammatory there to reduce swelling.
Acts as a Cleanser
Vitamin E oil works great to get rid of clogged dirt and other impurities from skin pores. Use a few drops of vitamin E oil on a cotton ball to wipe your face.
Treat Chapped Lips
Vitamin E oil works as a moisturizer and helps to soften your chapped lips. Vitamin E promotes cell regeneration and using it on dry lips brings new cells to the surface faster.
Level 2, Room 152, Equatorial Mall, Bombo Road