Plants Cultivation
  • Call Us: +256 702 152 152, +256 779 519 652
  • Level 2, RM 152, Equatorial Mall, Bombo Road.

Plants Cultivation

We train people how to cultivate several herbs like Artemisia, stevia etc. We also sell start up seeds & seedlings

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Nyanzi Julius (born 10 August 1990) simply known as Omukenkufu is a Ugandan BioEntrepreneur, scientist, researcher and innovator. He is the C.E.O. and Proprietor of Prof Bio research dealing in providing Bioresearch products and solutions that are community oriented portraying value addition to Productive Agribusiness. He is driven by the urge to promote, invent and innovate environmentally friendly and safe products to consumers retaining the natural state and components contained through manufacturing and supplying standardized herbal extracts from Aroma plants, trees and grass, phytochemicals and alternative healthcare products basically in form of Essential Oil Extracts, Natural Perfumes, Stevia Products and Mosquitoes Repellants

Giving backyard farming a jeans look: Strange and astonishing as it may look, a farmer can put soil in used jeans, irrigate and then yield vegetables and herbs in the comfort of his home. According to entrepreneur scientist Julius Nyanzi, 27, the founder of Prof Bio Research Company, the craze of farming in jeans is fast spreading in urban centres thus eliminating the myth of limited land.“Most people in township areas claim they don’t have enough land for farming but this jean technology can even be done by a breastfeeding mother in a rented house,” he says.Nyanzi says any farmer interested in backyard or green house farming can also use toilet paper rolls, align them in a tray form, insert mixed soils and grow leafy vegetables. To Nyanzi, although the city cannot provide for itself, that can change by the way people think of farming.

“You know what they call alternative medicine that's been proved to work? - Medicine.”

How it works

“Women have many waste clothes which they can recycle and use in growing vegetables. In a country like Netherlands, green house farming in Jeans is on a high,” says Nyanzi. After getting the used jeans, Nyanzi fills them with fertile organic compost soil.He advises one to mix top soil with ashes from chicken bones (because they are rich in nitrates and potassium), bicarbonate of soda (a thickening agent that kills off any bacteria) and then mix with clay soil. The combination is then filled in a pair of jeans and put somewhere where sunlight is available. He recommends mixing 100g of soda, one wheelbarrow of chicken ash, one wheelbarrow of clay and two wheelbarrows of top soil to get the required standard soil for production.This farming technology is ideal for leafy vegetables like spinach, sukuma wiki and ginger that improve the family diet as well as herbs like aloe vera and stevia.


Our team as prof bioresearch professionals put their unique skills to use creating a multitude of educational tools to make a real difference. Join us and see what can be accomplished when you get an impassioned team to focus on change. Professor Omukenkufu Nyanzi Julius goes a head to have radio and TV programmes on weekly basis to teach the masses.


Our community is full of people who want to help. We work to help the people providing products and services connect with the people who need them

Why farming in jeans

AWAKE. EDUCATE & IGNITE WISDOM. Nyanzi, a bachelor’s of science graduate from Makerere University, says jeans are reusable and can last more than 20 years. The denim absorbs water and allows good air circulation unlike other clothing materials like polyester and khaki.Interestingly, it is the women jeans that work best, ‘because they have that bum space’. The crop expert adds that farming in jeans eliminates the weeding process, allows fast plant growth and avoids external factors like bacteria.

Value addition

He talked about how one could undertake self-empowering value addition projects with a seed capital of as low as Shs1m and earn from it with clear end markets to which they could sell their products.Kasoma listened in some more and was convinced to attend the annual workshops where Nyanzi, a graduate of Science Botany Chemistry from Makerere University, shared information about different income-generating ventures with those that turned up at Hotel Equatorial in Kampala.

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Nunc libero felis, condimentum vitae tincidunt eget, vehicula eu nibh. Etiam non elementum nisi, eget blandit nisi. Donec vel eleifend libero, vestibulum dignissim.

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We’re a team of health care professionals with generations of combined experience and one goal - helping you create your best health and quality of life.

We’re a team of health care professionals with generations of combined expe

We’re a team of health care professionals with generations of combined expe

We’re a team of health care professionals with generations of combined expe

Nyanzi Julius (born 10 August 1990) simply known as Omukenkufu is a Ugandan B