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Carrot seed oil is extracted from the carrot plant, Daucus carota. Extracts vary since there are so many species of carrot. However, it typically contains three bioflavonoids, all derivatives of luteolin, a cancer-fighting antioxidant found in many fruits.
1. Helps Kill Fungi and Bacteria
The most thoroughly researched quality of carrot seed oil is its ability to kill certain bacteria and fungi. Indeed, some of the viruses it’s powerful against are concerning for several reasons. Many are common in developing nations, and the oil may provide a unique way to fight these illnesses if developed properly.
Here are the bacteria and fungi that seem to be most affected by it:
2. May Fight Cancer Cells
In the fight against cancer, researchers consistently look at substances by beginning in the lab and seeing what impact, if any, they have on different cancer cell lines.
Lab studies confirm carrot seed oil has anticancer properties against acute myeloid leukemia, colon cancer and breast cancer cell lines.
An animal study was conducted to investigate the effect of carrot seed oil on skin cancer (namely, squamous cell carcinoma) in rats and found it to be particularly potent.
3. Included as Part of Natural Sunscreen Option
An oft-cited study about the benefits of carrot seed oil was published in 2009 by an Indian university. Various sources claim that the study found that it has an SPF of around 40, making it a useful UV-blocking agent.
Well, close. But not exactly.
The study was actually investigating how to valuate SPF from natural products with various herbal ingredients. Researchers found that a product containing several herbal ingredients, including carrot seed oil, turns out to have an SPF of 40 or so.
Because of the way natural ingredients interact to create the SPF found in the tested product, it’s unlikely that carrot seed oil on its own actually has a significant enough SPF to be used in place of chemical-rich, conventional sunscreens. It does, though, seem to be a part of a natural sunscreen recipe that can be useful.
4. Powerful Antioxidant
Like many oils and essential oils, carrot seed oil contains powerful antioxidants that can help to protect against disease.
Specifically, these polyphenols have been studied in animal tests for their liver-protecting qualities. Carrot seed oil shields the liver from damage and exhibits strong protection against free radicals that cause oxidative stress and cell damage.
5. Supports Skin and Hair Health
Traditionally, carrot seed oil is a popular beauty product for moisturizing skin and hair. While no studies confirm its effectiveness for moisture-rich properties, it is safe for topical use and may help provide these benefits. It’s likely it can protect skin and hair from damage because of its antioxidant load.
Level 2, Room 152, Equatorial Mall, Bombo Road