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Pumpkin seed oil, also called pepita oil, is the oil extracted from the seeds of a pumpkin. There are two main types of pumpkins from which the oil is obtained, both of the Cucurbita plant genus. One is Cucurbita pepo, and the other is Cucurbita maxima.
The process of extracting pumpkin seed oil can be done more than one way. You want to choose an oil that has been cold-pressed, which means the oil has been extracted out of the pumpkin seeds using pressure rather than heat. The cold-pressed method of extraction is preferable because it allows the oil to retain its beneficial antioxidants that would be lost or damaged due to heat exposure
Using pumpkin seed oil might benefit people dealing with poor blood circulation, anxiety, stress, depression, hair loss, inflammatory conditions, hormonal imbalances, enlarged prostate, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, various skin conditions, and osteoporosis.
1. Hair Care
Losing your hair is a sure sign of aging, but for people who are balding at a young age, studies have shown that regular use of pumpkin oil may stimulate hair growth considerably.
2. May Improve Heart Health
Pumpkin seed oil has one of the highest concentrations of polyunsaturated fats of any food source. While fats are usually associated with being unhealthy, the body requires a certain amount of good fats to function. The oleic and linoleic acids found in pumpkin seeds may help lower blood pressure and balance cholesterol levels, protecting against atherosclerosis, heart attacks, strokes, and other heart diseases.
3. Might have Anticancer Potential
As men age, an enlarged prostate can often make urination painful or difficult and can increase their chances of developing prostate cancer. Fortunately, research on pumpkin seed oil has shown that it may improve urine flow and may decrease inflammation of the prostate, thereby protecting men against one of the deadliest forms of cancer.
According to a 2018 study by the Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, India, pumpkin seed extracts may be very helpful in lowering the risk of colon cancer.
The lignans and flavones present in pumpkin seed extracts might have a good effect on hormone-dependent tumors and therefore, studies suggest that pumpkin seeds and it’s extracts like oil can play a key role in breast cancer prevention or treatment.
4. Might Reduce Inflammation
The high content of healthy fatty acids in pumpkin seed oil may aid in joint lubrication and might reduce the pain and discomfort associated with arthritis.
5. Skin Care
The fatty acids found in pumpkin seed oil boast antioxidant properties. When it is topically applied, it may reduce skin inflammation, stimulate the growth of new cells, defend against infections and oxidative stress in skin cells, and reduce the appearance of wrinkles and blemishes related to age. Pumpkin seed oil is also a rich source of vitamin E, which may have powerful effects on skin appearance and texture.
6. May Increase Circulation
The anticoagulant nature of pumpkin seed oil may help to stimulate circulation by eliminating sluggish blood, lowering the risk of blood clots, and improving the oxygenation of organs, which further boosts their function.
7. Might Relieve Anxiety & Depression
Anecdotal evidence shows that regular consumption of pumpkin seed oil may relieve depression and boost your mood by lowering the levels of stress hormones in the body. You can consume small amounts of pumpkin seed oil to enjoy this benefit or apply the oil to your temples, neck, or chest.
8. May Help Balance Hormones
Women who are menstruating or going through menopause are suggested to use pumpkin seed oil as it may to helps reduce associated symptoms. It may aid in reducing severe menstrual cramps and decreasing hot flashes. This is primarily due to the phytoestrogens and phytosterols present in them.
9. May Increase Bone Strength
Omega-6 fatty acids, found in a significant amount in pumpkin seed oil, are known to possibly support bone health, in addition to the other vitamins and minerals that are needed to prevent osteoporosis and ensure good bone mineral density as we age.
Level 2, Room 152, Equatorial Mall, Bombo Road